Saturday, May 05, 2007

Here comes....Goldie!

Here is a little fellow I picked up on the side of the road, he appears to be a young yellow labrador retriever.
I asked around with the neighbors, nobody recognized him and he was very hungry and covered with ticks so somone most likely dumped him on our road.

It looks like he will most likely be staying.....haha.

So let's see...thats two horses, 16 brahma/angus heifers (15 of which should be calving any time) 2 Dexter heifers, 2 dexter cows, 2 dexter bull calves, 1 Dexter 5 year old bull......

Good thing its summer and for the most part they all eat grass, which we have plenty of right now, or they would be eating us out of house and home.
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